Tagged: Hike

Hikes I did


5 mile bay

Today I said goodbye to my travel companion and went for the other walk Taupo had to offer. The great lake walkway. This one passes 2 mile bay, 3 mile bay, 4 mile bay...


Aratiatia dam

Today was the day we wanted to do the Tongariro Crossing. Due to bad weather conditions on the mountain this got cancelled. For Isabelle this was unfortunate as her timetable did not allow for...


Redwood forest and Huka Falls

Pickup time was 9:30 and the next destination was just around the corner. So we got to walk around a little bit more today. First stop was a redwood forest just outside of Rotorua....



Isabelle wonderful person that she is moved her booked trip to a geysir and a thermal park back a day. That way I could join her. So after I reached Roturua and booked into...


Kauri Trees

Kauri trees are the biggest trees in New Zealand. Not the highest. The trees where massive (40-50 meters high with a diameter of 5 meters) and almost everywhere in the North Island as it...


Walk to the Haruru Waterfalls

After the signing grounds I went on to the local waterfalls. I was a little bit pressed for time as I didn’t know if there was a back exit or if I had to...


Vivero Cumbre

After a nice lunch together with some of the other walkers (goat in my case) I went on to Vivero Cumbre. In the this park used to be the main quarries for the stones...


Sixth day in Rio – Parque das Ruínas

Browsing the web in the morning I found out that there was supposedto be a class with Mestre Canguru in an hour. After a hasty breakfast I was on my way and aktually managed...


Fourth day in Rio – Cristo Redentor

Another beautiful day in Rio asked to be explored. This time my companions from yesterday wanted to do the walking tour and maybe walk up to Cristo Redentor afterwards. Unfortunately this would have been...