Food poisoning
This post is a little bit sad and not at all about a nice topic. So you might want to skip to the next post.
After I came back to my hostel I went straight to my emergency pack of Immodium and the toilet.
In hindsight the Immodium might not have been the smartest idea. But it didn’t really work either. Only difference was that a little later on whatever was in my stomach decided to leave the other way too.
The bathroom was in use of course and I tried to find another one the floor down. Instead I made it to the laundry room witch had a big sink.
I thought that whatever food I recalled was all and the party would be over. Unfortunately a few hours later I had to go again. The loo was of course in wich condition? Occupied. And I knew I didn’t have the time and the strength to go downstairs. So I just sat down in front of the door.
Let’s just say trying to make the receptionist who didn’t speak english that I need something to mop up the floor wasn’t my greatest achievement.
And I don’t envy the lady who later got my pants to clean (I did rinse them before) either.
Fortunately after that and another session sitting on the porcelain god i seemed to be empty and slept the night without further excitement though bad.
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