Connecting flight to Rio de Janeiro
After trying to find enough capacity with the free wifi to upload my last post my next plane was ready to board.
The seat in the exit row I had was a godsend for my knees. The 2 1/2 hour delay before the flight took off wasn’t.
What had happened? A auxiliary power generator that is only needed on the ground to provide power for the passenger related stuff like the air conditioning whouldn’t shut off propperly so they had to get technicians on bord to shut off the whole thing. All the while the air conditioning couldn’t work because they had to switch back to power from the ground.
Well at least it was a relatively cool day in London. 😉
After we actually got off in the air all was business as usual. The food was edible even if it was only the “usual” for economy class.
Just that the arrival was at 22:40 hours instead of 20:00 hours.
And the auxiliary power unit had not been repaired in London but was merely disabled. Therefore one turbine had to be kept running until we were connected on the gate.
Immigrations was a breeze. And I was wisked to a taxi faster than I could really think. Fortunately I was sent to a regular yellow taxi and not a more expensive one.
My plan to get some money from an ATM at the airport would have backfired had I not got some “starting funds” in germany.
The next hurdle was that my hostel in Santa Teresa does check-in until 9 o’clock only. I was only about three and a half hours late when I actually arrived. Well I had asked for an extension as I wasn’t sure if I could make it to the hostel within one hour after landing.
To my luck Angelo decided to wait up for me and had the flight information so he could see that the flight was delayed.
After a tour of the house and a great view over Glória from the hostel terrace I finally went to bed.
best wishes to angelo. being washed against closed gates after a tiring flight is one of the more unpleasant experiences. glad the adventure started out well.