Fuller River and Pancacke rocks
This time the morning was filled with activities for all those that wanted to spend some more money.
I for my part had decided that I wanted to go on a Jetboat and try how it feels like to do some 360 degree spins on a river. So we stored our stuff on the big bus before being picked up by the tour operator.
Prince – the little terrier (dog) belonging to the place was on the bus and did make sure that he got his part of the fee in form of a few scratches behind the ears.
As always someone has to be late for pickups. So why should this one be different? No reason. 🙂
Why mention it then? Well it was a German. See not all Germans are always on time.
After we got to the base we got our gear and our security advisory and were driven to the boat in the back of a 4WD.
The handrails of the jetboat where even heated (with cooling water from the engine) so our cold fingers were always reheated and thus warm even when wet from the spray coming in.
What was a little bit uncomfortable though where the moskitos.
I had decided we would be on a very fast boat so moskitos would not be a problem. (I even said so to one of the girls who was applying some moskito spray.) – Well lets just say that I did not take into account that the boat would have to go out on the river first and then stop several times while we where around. And that those pests would just travel with us in the sheltered boat.
So guess who had the last laugh here?
After a hot tea and a biscuit we were brought back to the big bus and travelled on to the pancake rocks.
These rocks got their name because they look like a stack of pancakes (in grey).
But this is not the only reason why this got to be a major tourist spot. There are several impressive blowholes as well so you get to see the ocean in a little bit of a different way.
One of the rock formations even reminds people of some mystical figures. See whom you can find in them.
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