Rushing down to queenstown
I had no intention of jumping from a bridge, am to heavy to strap myself to a handsome stranger who jumps out of airplanes and to cheap to fork out the money for a very long free fall into a swing.
So what I did instead on the second half of the day was strapping myself to a metal rope and hurled myself inbetween trees. Not as exciting or adrenaline inducing as the former activities but still interesting enough for me.
As I did not want to use the gondola to go up the mountain and the official leaflet with the trails around Queenstown sported something about 1hour return for the Tiki Trail I had to try again. Well to tell the truth it is possible to get up there in half an hour. But never ever with the same people who take 5-6 hours up Ben Lomond. Make it 1h each way and you are safe.
Up top we where strepped into our harnesses amd got the security talk and off we went on the first ZIP-line. To make it memorable there was a camera mounted just at the first tree we passed.
On the next plattforms we always got a little bit of information about the area, history and legends and the guides introduced us to different games to play while ziplining. Be it going backwards, upside down (but not like a dying leaf), taking a leap of faith or some other crazy way.
To get to the 6th and last zipline we had to walk a little. As this is the steapest zipline in the world the designers decided to temper it a little bit and built in a braking system which results in a slower way down.
To make sure people are still safe should the brake fail they even have net you fall in. But usually the break stops you before the net, which has then to be taken down before you can enter the platform.
So all is very safe in triplicate, yada yada.
I guess Kiwis really hat to fill out all the paperwork if one of the adrenaline crazed tourists get injured or dies.
Well in our case the brake did fail in a way after one of the guests landed on the receiving platform by the way of a rope falling of the roll. As a result we had to wait until they had it fixed up again and where entertained with stories of other ziplines in the wold instead.
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